More About the Author "eberones"

Author Nick: eberones
Name: Edgardo Berones
About the Author: Started career as a CSR for Offshoring Companies. Eventually shifted gear to Search Engine Optimization.Also does freelance article writing on the side. Dabbles with his blog and plays erratic guitar in his spare time. Photography is his current obsession but considers himself a film buff more than anything else.

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Non-Running Vehicle As Car Donation

Do you have any clunkers rotting in your garage? If you have a car that no longer runs, or in a very bad condition, you can still make some cash for such clunkers if you donate it to charity. Yes, by donating it to charity, you receive a tax deduction at the end of the year. […]

Selecting A Beneficiary For Your Car Donation

To donate car, it doesn’t necessarily equate that you give it through charity organizations,  but when you are thinking about some personal benefit  from your donation, charity maybe your best option. Some charities make you entitled to tax exemption although some cannot.  Should you sell your car, you’ll certainly earn some cash which might correspond […]

Tax Deduction For Your Car Donation

You could find that there exist charitable institutions that assist poor people and disadvantaged. They are individuals who rely largely on donations as well as resources of others to assist them utilizing their day-to-day living needs. They consent to finding a plethora of contributions, like money, food items, and, once in awhile, car or truck […]

The Greatness In Giving To The Less Fortunate

When you are doing good things for others, you are essentially following God’s lead. And we can only do that by following God’s will which is found in the Bible.  What must we do in order to be saved? By doing the will of the Father can we go to heaven. It is very common […]

Mastering The Art of Giving

Giving is an art in itself. There is magnificent authority that comes with giving back to your community and to those who are living a less fortunate lifestyle than yourself. You can lend a hand by using what you learn or your skills and passions to help make a difference in someone else’s life. There […]