More About the Author "eccuni"

Author Nick: eccuni
Name: eccuni eccuni
About the Author: EC-Council

Articles by eccuni :

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Creating and Operating a Highly Efficient Security

Nowadays, many industries are being haunted by serious and sophisticated threats from cybercriminals. Sadly, most existing security tools and defenses like pen testing are slowly falling behind and being left in the dust by criminals, and even the technologies and methods used to keep pace with the criminals lack the right communications and management skills. […]

Do Securities Need Regulations?

Securities need regulations; in fact it is good. Regulations can help make certain that the companies and individuals in-charge if security are really doing their job, whether it is monitoring the internet high-way or conducting pen test. Sometimes, problems may appear on the details of the regulation. There are several regulations in security like HIPAA […]

New Beta Boards: Accessible to hackers

Some talks were made at Black and Hat and also at DefCon. Both happened early in August. Some of the researchers of security were using an open source named Arduino boards in their works. The definition of Arduino is “strong friend” in Italian. Arduino is certainly useful for reasearchers in security considering they help for […]

Tools Needed by Security Experts against Cybercrime

Without a doubt, masters degree information security experts need the right tools in battling cybercrime. There are a lot of tools that they could use, from the old ones to the recent tools and all of them are effective in preventing cybercrime if used properly. Some of these tools are the following. A Sandbox Okay, […]

Problems about Fake Anti-Virus

Many of us are unaware that the antivirus industry has their own share of complicated problems as well. These problems cannot be fixed by certain tweaks on the software’s algorithm or even productivity bonuses to their employees. There is plenty of free anti-virus software in the Internet today, and surprisingly the anti-virus industry is not […]