More About the Author "eliswhite"

Author Nick: eliswhite

Articles by eliswhite :

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Business Enterprise And Employment

Basically there are several set ups to consider when setting up a business and these are: sole proprietorship, partnership and corporation generally

Art as a professional and academic discipline

Art as a professional and academic discipline has a long history spanning several generations.

Doеs industriаl rеlаtions rеprеsеnts thе “old” world whеrеаs humаn rеsourcе mаnаgеmеnt rеprеsеnts thе “nеw” world?

It is common todаy to viеw thе fiеld of pеrsonnеl/humаn rеsourcе mаnаgеmеnt (P/HRM) аs distinct аnd lаrgеly unrеlаtеd to thе disciplinе of еconomics

Competitive analysis corn flakes

Corn flakes are a company that manufactures and distributes foods and this company has its headquarters at USA.

A comparison contrast between Raymond Carver’s essays “Mine” and “Little things”

Raymond Carver is noted for his capability to handle short story presentations through written essays