More About the Author "EmileBraun"

Author Nick: EmileBraun
Name: Emile Braun
About the Author: Emile Braun is a researcher who is currently researching on various ways to have secure online processing systems/ online payment for web businesses and e-commerce websites. Sometimes she involved herself in spreading this knowledge among IT students to keep them updated.

Articles by EmileBraun :

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Saving Data with Two Factor Authentication

Today a variety of methods can be used to help protect your information and data that is stored.  However it does seem that as quickly as new methods are introduced to protect and secure your data, new methods for accessing your account become available as well. Using two factor authentication options is a way that […]

Using Online Credit Card Verification

Businesses today need to be very careful with their online shopping carts today.  When using online credit card verification choices, you find that you are able to keep more of the profits that come along with the sales that are made. Today the use of fraudulent credit cards is very common.  Having a way to […]

Using Phone Number Verification To Stop Fraud In Its Tracks

Today there are a variety of options available to lower the risk of fraudulent activity for online purchases.  Everybody is aware of the fact that the internet is a dangerous place to work due to the ability of hackers and spammers to steal information as it is entered onto a website.  Phone number verification services […]