More About the Author "endeavor15"

Author Nick: endeavor15

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A Social Event Book Selection in Book Club Time

Our students often select the “coming-of-age” novel, in which a trusting, narcissistic adolescent encounters some of life’s realities about topics like sex, sexuality, relationships, death, crime, family, work, or travel. Through the personal, life-transforming experiences of the characters, our students find the inner windows to their voices. As we listened to their book club exchanges, […]

Community and Human Nature

Erving Polster, a distinguished Gestalt psychologist, states in Uncommon Ground that people have a common hunger for belonging. Polster writes: “There is a feeling of oneness where people have a heightened sense of self and of others for whom they share a common destiny. In such a community there is recognition that our personal interests […]

The Chestnut Hill Bid Director Survey

The Chestnut Hill Business Improvement District Management Corporation—as indicated in the bylaws (see Figure 1)—shows that a community coalition as well as PPP was intended by including both public and private sectors. According to the results of a 2009 Chestnut Hill BID Director Survey that addressed the government’ BID relationship, the director indicated that the […]

Public Private Partnership Management

To understand BIDs as sub-governmental units, it is important to understand the nature of Replica Watches partnerships, particularly formal partnerships. In essence, public-private partnerships provide the essential institutional framework for cities to compete in the global market by combining private resources and expertise with the local governmental powers. It is noted that BIDs and the […]

Collaborative Intelligence and Six Key Collaboration Factors

Are your agency leaders talking about collaboration now more than five or six years ago? Are you seeing considerably more collaboration in your agency today? When I pose these questions to managers, 80 to 90 percent answer “yes” to the first question, but less than 30 percent answer “yes” to the second question. Why is […]