More About the Author "endeavor15"

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Enjoy Your World of Warcraft

Different Functions Reading Performed for Aaron, Kyle, Peter, and Roger. Although I collected a vast amount of data from 11 participants, for the purposes of this manuscript, I focus on 4, Aaron, Kyle, Peter, and Roger (all pseudonyms), to show how reading was involved in their lives. These four participants’ comments about their reading practices […]

What Can Terrance Tell Us About Alternatives

A critical and often unacknowledged component of adolescents’ literacy development involves encouraging them to transform identities they may have constructed as nonreaders into new identities as more capable readers and learners. As students explore and experiment with possible selves, teachers can encourage them to try on new reader identities, expanding their visions of whom they […]

Terrance is Interested in Weird News

Terrance is interested in what he calls the “weird news” and sees the information he gathers on the Internet as something he can draw on in school: I like to look at the weird news, like yesterday I looked at news about the world’s heaviest man wanting to carry the Olympic torch. And I looked […]

The Perfact Replica Watches

Stuck at home all summer due to a broken ankle, McClintok’s unnamed, 16-year-old, female protagonist observes a series of bizarre events unfold around her: “no matter what time of day it is, there are always people sitting on their porches, or standing on the sidewalk talking to other people, or across the street on their […]

Forensic Television Programs

Just as some students’ comments about their forensics trade books alluded to their preferences for forensics television programs over books, analysis of the students’ post unit questionnaires revealed that students’ most frequent engagement with everyday texts was in viewing both fiction and nonfiction forensics-related television programs. Forty percent of the students watched forensics TV programs […]