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Author Nick: endeavor15

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Some Prominent Features of STHE

That would make us hesitate; for one, StHE is a restructured variety that has evolved via extensive dialect and language contact (see above); though English was the most influential input variety (hence shift and death of all other languages spoken), varieties such as Malagasy had an influence and considerably shaped the eventual outcome of the […]

English Has Served As a Lingua Franca

The increasing use of steam-driven ships and the opening of the Suez Canal voided the island’s strategic purpose as a refreshment station. With the exception of a short-lived flax industry (which ended in 1965 when the British postal service switched to cheaper synthetic fibre), no industry has provided a viable means of sustaining the island. […]

End-of-Course Questionnaire

This questionnaire provided an evaluation of the course and questionnaire recommendations for future courses. No specific questions about course components were asked, but there was a space for students to make comments on ways in which the course had made them more independent learners. A number of students took this as an opportunity to comment […]

How to Improve Your English Skills

After the mid-course break, students were required to write a letter to the main teacher, talking about the independent study they had been doing in the first half of the course, and what they planned to do in the second half. There was no directive to discuss reading habits, but the majority of students included […]

Students’ Response to Extensive Reading in An EAR Class

No overt attempt was made to gather qualitative data relating to students’ acceptance of the loss of teacher centered class time and a non-E AP focus for part of each lesson, primarily because the students were well aware that the class teacher was enthusiastic about the benefits of reading, and thus were likely to answer […]