More About the Author "endeavor30"

Author Nick: endeavor30
Name: jack jone
About the Author: i am a student

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By opting for the Microsoft Certification Exam: Server Administrator certificate

Disk Cleanup A Windows Vista utility used to identify files that can be deleted to free addi- tional hard disk space. Disk Cleanup works by identifying temporary files, Internet cache files, and unnecessary program files. disk defragmentation The process of rearranging the existing files on a disk so that they are stored contiguously, which optimizes […]

Enhance Your Employability With mcts certificate Online Course

Boot Configuration Data (BCD) store Contains dual-boot and multiboot information param- eters that were previously found in boot.ini in older versions of Windows. The BCD store is new to Windows Vista. boot partition The partition that contains the system files. The system files are located in C:\Windows by default. bottleneck A system resource that is […]

Enhance Your Employability With microsoft mcts training Online Course

Be able to communicate only with other clients on the same subnet that are also using APIPA. The benefit of using APIPA in small networks is that it is less tedious and has less chance of configuration errors than statically assigned IP addresses and configuration. backup The process of writing all the data contained in […]

Should we upgrade or not? Review your mcitp Online Computer Training here

You are the network administrator for the XYZ Corporation. Users in the sales department have been complaining that the Sales application is slow to load. Using Performance Logs and Alerts, you create a baseline report for one of the computers, monitoring memory, the proces- sor, the disk subsystem, and the network subsystem. You notice that […]

Finding Affordable mcitp course for you online

11. You have been having problems with your Windows Vista Professional computer. You decide to start the computer using the Enable Boot Logging option on the Advanced Boot Options menu. Where can you find the log file that is created? A. \Windows\ntbtlog.txt B. \Windows\System32\ntbtlog.txt C. \Windows\ntboot.log D. \Windows\System32\ntboot.log 12. Your accounting department runs a processor-intensive […]