More About the Author "Michael O’Brien"

Author Nick: Michael O’Brien
Name: Jeremy Heyer

Articles by Michael O’Brien :

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Services Procurement – Some Quick Tips on How To Achieve Savings

Procuring Services and Achieving Savings Sometimes services procurement is a bit different than the standard purchasing of products and materials. Often it is not transactional so strategic planning is imperative. There are ways to cut costs in any industry without sacrificing quality. As the Procurement practitioner you need to devise best methods to sourcing and […]

Optimising & Measuring Supplier Performance & Key Metrics

In principal, all business works on the principle of supply and demand.  In today’s competitive global economy all organisations regardless of the nature of their business are reliant upon supplier performance and service.  Hence all business need to understand what it is they require and make certain that suppliers perform in providing the service and […]

The Value Of Spend Analysis

Spend mapping is used to gain an overview of companywide spending. It helps determine the percentage of company-wide spending in major cost categories. It also gives an indication of the relative importance of cost categories by grouping them by size. It is a useful scoping exercise before beginning procurement activity. Successful companies do not make […]

How competent are you? Procurement Competence

Procurement has come out of obscurity and into mainstream business. Once known merely as a back office function, it is now a mainstream business management activity for most organisations as it’s now understood that it is more than just a cost-saving measure but a way to gain competitive edge in this day of business globalisation. […]