More About the Author "erickwatson"

Author Nick: erickwatson
Name: Erick Watson

Articles by erickwatson :

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Past life Regression: resolution to the present!

Past life regression, a scientific pedagogy, to tap one’s subconscious with the help of hypnotherapy to access memories from people’s past, be it of this life or past lives, is really effective in finding answers for the stances, situations, emotional blocks of mental patterns, that no other scope of medication can sort. There are certain […]

Corporate culture, the rising depression ambush!

Being too harsh, over analytical or too critical on oneself is a cause of extreme stress and a lot of depression in people nowadays, a recent study undertaken by a very renowned ad agency reveals. It is difficult to be at your best all the time! It is also quite tardy to be the best […]

Fear, Phobias and disorders are karmic & curable

Fear is a natural phenomenon. It is as natural as elation, excitement and rush or sadness. Fear only becomes a reason for concern when it impedes in your daily living, when it prevents you from achieving, expressing, earning or conducting your daily living with a free bent of mind. Extenuated fear takes the form of […]

Depression Treatment: First step to peace is accepting chaos!

She silently saw her daughter amidst laughter, hope, glory and galore of jewels dancing her way to popularity. Then, she wiped the tear that glistened in the corner of her eye, only if all of it was all really as it seemed. She would be so happy for Tara. Tara*’s (name changed) mother, had seen […]

Finding a Soulmate: quest that makes life worth trying!

It is not an unusual event for us to meet someone on the road, who seems familiar… more familiar than most known faces. Relationships are not accidental; they all have a meaning, or purpose, or a reason. Most of the relationships we create for our present lives have soul mission carried from the past lives. […]