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Name: Kate Wells
About the Author: etc.venues started life in 1992 when its entrepreneurial founder Sally Wilton, frustrated by the poor quality of training venues decided she could do better – as with so many success stories, life started very simply with a small hard working team inspired to make a difference.

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The importance of conferences to businesses

Even though there have been massive leaps forward in video calling, lightning fast broadband and mobile Internet you still cannot come close face-to-face contact when looking for new ideas, recognition and job satisfaction. Furthermore face-to-face contact through conferences is a superb place to meet and forge connections that can lead to further business later on. […]

Three benefits of attending a conference

Attending a conference can be pricey. Getting there, paying for accommodation and all sorts of costs can deter you from attending. But conferences needn’t be a waste of money; in fact when used cleverly, they can actively lead to future business proposals. Conferences are held throughout Britain and are increasingly conducted in highly accessible positions, […]