More About the Author "Annette liotta"

Author Nick: Annette liotta
Name: execaid training
About the Author: There’s no doubt that you have heard about MYOB and basically what MYOB products are. But how well do you know them? Are you a MYOB newbie? Thinking of starting a business – but you are unsure of how to go about the accounting side of things. While it is beneficial to have your own accountant to help out at tax time, you should track how your business is going and be able to plan for the future. Business management software can dramatically help to manage your business. There are lots of similar products on the market, like QuickBooks and MYOB. Plus there are heaps of training courses out there to help you utilise and make the most of your business management product.
What Exactly is MYOB?
MYOB is an Australian owned company that specialises in business management products that was first set up way back in 1991 by Craig Winkler and Brad Shofer. MYOB software is designed for ‘small to medium sized enterprises’ (more commonly known as SMEs) and even in professional accounting. In Australia, MYOB is proud to be the leading provider of business management systems to help small to medium sized enterprises. Did you know that over 700,000 different businesses (including accounting firms) throughout Australasia are utilising MYOB business management products?
So which is Better for Your Business – MYOB or QuickBooks?
Essendon or Collingwood? Holden or Ford? Who is better? It really depends on who you ask! You either love them or you hate them. It is a very similar situation when it comes to MYOB or QuickBooks. It is common knowledge that very few people like doing their own books. So finding a program that works for you and your business is vital! Are you good with numbers? Are you computer illiterate? These things will influence your decision when it comes to choosing your business management or accounting software programs. MYOB is definitely more commonly known in Australia – mainly due to their effective marketing! But finding which is better for you is more important than its popularity. If you have a solid computer background and you are good with numbers and figures, then QuickBooks might be a better choice for you or your business. It appears that QuickBooks is a lot more customisable and when it comes to reporting, it seems to be a bit more impressive – compared to MYOB. Plus for those of you that are a little less computer literate, or that are not so great with numbers, MYOB is probably a better option for you. This is the case because MYOB is much simpler to set up and record keeping is pretty straight forward, meaning it is much easier to maintain and harder to make mistakes! Do you like the sound of that?! So why don’t you find the smarter way to ‘Mind Your Own Business’, by investing in one of MYOB’s many business management or accounting software programs to help with your business management and accounting needs.
Why is MYOB so Popular?
What makes MYOB so well known to the Australian market is that it definitely was one of the first products of its kind on the market. MYOB has become so popular amongst small to medium sized enterprises because there are heaps of MYOB courses available that are both cost effective and informative. The Australian MYOB website offers online support and has a Frequently Asked Questions section that may answer your queries in minutes! Because MYOB software is one of the most commonly used business management programs on the market, there are heaps of cool, short MYOB courses that can be undertaken (as short as a half day session).
Finding the MYOB Courses that WILL Benefit Your Business!
If you check out the MYOB website, you may get a bit confused with all of the different business management and accounting products that they have on offer and it might be worth chatting with your accountant or doing a bit of your own research to work out which MYOB product will work best for your business. Would MYOB Premier benefit your business the most – or would MYOB Accounting be sufficient? MYOB Premier retails at AUD $1,495, whereas MYOB Accounting retails at AUD
$349 – so you need to compare what each product does and you need to decide whether your business really needs all the bells and whistles – or would the MYOB Accounting program will be suffice? When looking for the best MYOB course or courses that will benefit your business, you should start your research online. The Internet is a great source of free information and if you cannot find the answer to your specific issues for free, then investing in a MYOB course should answer all of your questions and show you some awesome tricks and neat tips that you never knew you could do. After all, you should make the most of the product you have invested in!
Articles by Annette liotta :
There’s no doubt that you have heard about MYOB and basically what MYOB products are. But how well do you know them? Are you a MYOB newbie? Thinking of starting a business – but you are unsure of how to go about the accounting side of things. While it is beneficial to have your own […]