More About the Author "expo09"

Author Nick: expo09
Name: Andrew Marshall
About the Author: I enjoy writing on a variety of subjects including law, web hosting, investment and current affairs.

Articles by expo09 :

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The World’s Top 5 Stock Exchanges

The world’s top five largest stock exchanges in terms of market capitalization are New York, the NASDAQ Stock Exchange, Tokyo, London and Shanghai. This is a brief introduction to each of these. New York Stock Exchange With a market capitalization of its listed companies at $13.39 trillion at the end of 2010, the New York […]

Decorating a Living Room

The living room is one of the most important rooms in a home. This makes both practicality and aesthetics important. A lot of time is spent in the living room so it needs to fit in with your lifestyle. It is a room for relaxation and watching television, and you may even eat in there. […]

Who Should Use a VPN?

In the modern world online security is becoming more and more important. The internet is used for all sorts of reasons, potentially putting users at risk. This is where a VPN (virtual private network) comes in. A VPN can protect against security risks and prevent a computer or computer network from being compromised. Examples of […]

Google Plus, Facebook and VoIP

Google Plus Google has unveiled its new social networking site, Google Plus (or Google+), seemingly in an attempt to compete with social networking giant Facebook. One of the things it has done that isn’t currently possible with Facebook, is have in-built VoIP, meaning users will be able to have voice conversations through Google Plus. It […]