More About the Author "expresso"

Author Nick: expresso
Name: Tito Bernardi
About the Author: I'm currently the chief editor of the news site. Journalist highly specialized in the production of written contend, graduated from Cásper Líbero University in 1984. Has already worked with public and private sectors. On the public area, worked as a PR and chief editor on the State Administration Office (São Paulo) at the University of Sao Paulo (ECA) and as a
parliamentary writer at the Legislative Assembly of São
Paulo. Acted as reporter and editor for associations and representative organs, such as: São Paulo Association of Dentist Surgeons, Regional Assembly of Psycology and Union of the Engineers (Periodic of the Engineer). I also worked as PR for the National Coffee Board. In 1985 he was
the co-founder of the Media Relations Comission in Union of Journalists in São Paulo.
Worked as a newspaper editor in O Estado de S. Paulo, Ericsson,
Norton Publicidade, Grupo Iochpe, Avanti Sorvetes, Oral B, Seguradora
Oceânica. In 1986 he was granted the Aberje Award. Bernardi has also a BA in Law from the Mackenzie University. I'm also contribute writer to Visão Jurídica magazine.
Articles by expresso :
04.03.11 | Comments Off on Accounting Pronunciation to small and medium size companies
Pedro Cesar da Silva* 2010 is over, but a great part of small and medium size companies – PME ended the year without having accomplished or at least started, the studies for implementing the new accounting standard applicable to them, called Accounting Pronunciation to PME – CPC-PME. The application of this new accounting standard is […]
03.08.11 | Comments Off on Strategic media relations in Brasil
There are several definitions of PR in the whole world. Also several ways exist of facing how they owe if it develops the activities of PR. But our concept is simple – it’s press relations. In simple terms, what is fact is to generate press coverage when a company, a personality or an entity no […]