More About the Author "fatiguecare"

Author Nick: fatiguecare
Name: Kiran Viramgama
About the Author: Dr.Kiran Viramgama is board certified Pulmonologist and been practicing Pulmonary, Critical care and Sleep Medicine in Gettysburg PA since 2001.

Articles by fatiguecare :

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Chronic Fatigue Symptoms and Its Relation with Sleep Apnea

Chronic fatigue syndrome is getting a common disorder with increasing number of young people experiencing chronic fatigue symptoms and or fibromyalgia syndrome symptoms. Many have sleep apnea   as they stop breathing at night when they sleep.  Apnea means to stop breathing and sleep apnea means stop breathing while sleeping. It is a very common disorder […]

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome- Symptoms & Causes and Treatment Options

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) have many physical and emotional umbrellas of symptoms. In patients with fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, this patient’s experience, body aches, abnormal digestion, sleep interruption, joint aches, and mental fog.  They also are experiencing emotional problems and have specific tender points in the body. Generally in Fibromyalgia 11/18 tender […]

Sleep apnea evaluation in patients with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia

Chronic fatigue symptoms and or fibromyalgia like conditions are increasing medical conditions in USA and slowly growing all around the world. Sleep is poor in this group of patients. There are multiple different causes of the sleep problems. Sleep problems is slowly growing medical problem in the modern times. Working long hours, increasing stress from […]

5 Healthy Tips for Patients with Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

After Thanksgiving, people are in a holiday mood, consumed with shopping, traveling, and party celebrations.  This may affect health in some if they eat the wrong foods, become sleep deprived, drink excessively or stay up late too many nights for too many days.  Many middle-aged women are suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome or chronic fatigue […]