More About the Author "fernbasnett"

Author Nick: fernbasnett
Name: Fern Basnett
About the Author: Fern Basnett is an online marketing professional and an enthusiast writer who talks about the importance of web marketing and PR. He has found West Palm Beach Online Marketing Agency providing excellent online marketing services to their clients. Visit to know about West Palm Beach Online Marketing deliverables.

Articles by fernbasnett :

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SEO seems to be the cheapest marketing option – Why?

Business whether online or offline needs a website. A website whether selling product or service needs to be visible and reachable. Therefore, if promotion and marketing is what your business needs, exposure to major search engines is the necessary. Google, yahoo, Bing,, AOL, MSN are just to name a few at your service. If […]

Capitalize on online marketing initiatives: Today’s call

Believe it or not, your first coffee in the morning starts with public relations, be it your home or office. It could be a courtesy call, a meet up reminder, a new project proposal via email or fax etc. Or, say, you are hooked to fresh news on television, radio, news paper or magazines. Today, […]