More About the Author "ferraguslapointe"

Author Nick: ferraguslapointe

Articles by ferraguslapointe :

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How to Communicate Effectively with Your Partner

Do you feel that your partner doesn’t really understand you even you guys have been staying together and know each other for a long time? If you do, you are not alone. Many of us experience the same thing. In fact, poor or lack of communication is one of the top reasons why couple get […]

Ways to Communicate Effectively With Your Manager and Co-workers

Do you have a job where you have to report to a manager? And do you always find that you are in disagreements with your manager that often leave both of you in frustration? If you answer yes, this article is for you. We are going to share with you some tips to help you […]

How To Succeed In A Home Based Business

Working at home or building a home based business has many benefits. However, since you are your own boss, it is also easy for you to just lay back and not working. Hence, your productivity suffers and this can be bad for your business. Therefore, if you are running a home based business, you need […]

How to Overcome Public Speaking Fear

Public speaking is the #1 fear for many people. Somebody even told me that it is more fearful than death. But fortunately, the fear of public speaking can be overcome easily. And the good news is that everyone can do that. So, if you suddenly find yourself having to give a speech publicly, don’t fret […]

How Self Assessment Can Help Personal Growth

It is a sad fact but true, most of us these days have forgotten how to use our own intuition or gut instincts. Most people are trained to look outside rather than inside. Not many know or are willing to look within and access our inner self. If you are willing to explore your inner […]