More About the Author "ferraguslapointe"

Author Nick: ferraguslapointe

Articles by ferraguslapointe :

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How To Avoid Identity Theft And Protect Yourself

Internet is one of the greatest invention. With Internet can now communicate quickly, efficiently and on a very timely basis. However, great technology like this is a double-edged sword. Yes, just like a knife, you can use it the right way. But, if it falls into the wrong hands, the knife can be used to […]

9 Ways To Make Your Life Exciting And Build Some Self Confident

We only live once. So why not make our living the best it can be? Do you want to have an abundance of adventures in your life so that you will never feel bored? Of course you do! If so, this article is for you. We will share with you some great ways to make […]

How to Build Trust in a Relationship – 5 Easy Tips

If someone ask me this question: What is the most important aspect in a good relationship? My answer is always TRUST! It is the foundation for a strong and long-term relationship. You can’t have a strong relationship without trust. Buy it is earsier said than done… the question is, how do you build a long […]

Effective Goal Setting For Successful People

If you ask this question, “How important is goal setting?” The answer is: “It is extremely important!” Every successful people I have met, have GOALS in their lives. A successful father has goals, a successful businessman or woman has goals, a successful student has goals… Goal setting is very important, it serves as a guide […]

Potential Is Within You – How To Bring It Out?

We all have hidden talents and abilities but only few of us are willing to journey through inside ourselves and dig out these talents. Most people have to go through some hardships in order to uncover the hidden abilities within. Why is it so difficult to bring out the potential within ourselves? Well, the answer […]