More About the Author "George Pardew"

Author Nick: George Pardew
Name: George Pardew

Articles by George Pardew :

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What are my ISA options?

Individual Savings Accounts, better known as ISA accounts, were introduced to allow people to save money in a tax efficient way. Although the idea of ISAs may fill some people with dread, they are far from being complex financial arrangements: ISAs are actually tax efficient wrappers for you to hold investments in. It can provide […]

Stocks and Shares ISAs – the lowdown!

In an age when any mention of the financial climate, savings, investments and banking is often met with a sharp intake of breath, a shake of the head and, more often than not, one or two choice words; finding the best and safest home for your savings has never been more important. In this regard, […]

Building a nest egg for a newborn child

Parents know all too well how much a small person can cost. But alongside nappies, pocket money, school trips and music lessons, there are longer-term costs that can seem quite intimidating. The average cost of raising a child to the age of 21 is now projected to be over £210,000 . This is made up […]

Why it’s never too soon for UK residents to start an ISA

Those looking to put their money into a stocks and shares ISA might have a number of things to think about when getting their tax-efficient investment off the ground. One such consideration might be exactly what your long-term goals are, and how long you are prepared to wait to see a return. Stocks and shares […]

Junior ISA limit confirmed at £3,600

Parents, grandparents, other family members and friends will soon be able to contribute to a new tax-advantaged savings scheme designed especially for children. Junior ISAs will become available from 1 November 2011 and will allow up to £3,600 to be sheltered tax-efficiently. The government has confirmed that Junior ISA accounts will have the following key […]