More About the Author "finnd38"

Author Nick: finnd38
Name: david finn
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The ASUS K53 Laptop – a Balanced Solution for the Everyday User

Most of ASUS’s laptop models tend to be aimed at specific needs, though they do have some all-around solutions as well – the ASUS K53 laptop is the perfect example of that, offering a well-balanced configuration that should be able to fit the needs of most users on the market today. So if you are […]

Why the ASUS G74 Notebook Is the Only Gaming Laptop You’ll Need

There are various things to consider when buying a laptop for gaming purposes – from the sheer power it can offer you, to its battery life and customization options, and the possibility for future upgrades. And even though there are plenty of solutions in this niche of the market nowadays, it can still be difficult […]

The ASUS G74 Laptop – Mobile Gaming Doesn’t Get any Better than This

There are various options to choose from on the modern market if you want to make your gaming mobile, and there are certainly some adequately priced solutions for those who’re not looking to spend a great deal of money as well. However, when you just want to get the top of the line that the […]