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Articles by FIRELEAVES :

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The Tribal Paradise Project was a lesson in faith

As this project and many others have shown, collaborative learning and online discussion forums can be used effectively to help students develop real-world skills and engage in authentic learning. But this project also demonstrates how combining these two teaching practices can yield dramatic results. When students are able to take charge of discussion topics as […]

The Tribe Has Spoken

Finally, the big Tribal Council day arrived. Students travelled by bus to meet in the arts and crafts lodge of Mahoney State Park. We began by exchanging small gifts so that tribe-mates could find each other, discussed the plan for the day, and then rallied the whole group for a Jeopardy-style Lord of the Flies […]

A Rhetorically Based Model

In our teaching of this kind of writing curriculum, we have found that concepts of rhetoric—audience, purpose, and genre—are especially tangible for students in a class or project on community and work-place writing. By teaching writing with a “rhetorically based model,” we call students’ attention to texts as sites of negotiation between writers, readers, and […]

Why Teach Approaches to Workplace and Community Writing?

Each of us had that “first job.” For the three of us, it was bagging groceries at the local supermarket, shelving books at the city library, and serving Big Macs at the local McDonald’s. For each of these jobs, we had to fill out job applications, request work permits signed by school guidance counselors and […]

Blurring the Lines: Contexts of Language Use

Typically, both in the graduate classes where I con-duct the activity as an example and in the adolescent classrooms where my students experiment with the activity, students are engaged and interested in seeing Links Of London Bracelets how their language changes from one situation to another. As students reflect in their notebooks on what it […]