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Articles by FIRELEAVES :

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A “Flip the Switch” Classroom Activity

Wheeler and Swords suggest that contrastive analysis will “help students uncover the systematic and detailed contrasts between the grammar of their home language and the grammar of the school dialect as a tool for learning [Standard English] more effectively”. The first step in this process allows students to distinguish between informal and formal patterns of […]

Better-paying Jobs with Higher literacy Demands in theWorkforce

Grant Wiggins is the President of Authentic Education in Hopewell, New Jersey. He earned his EdD from Harvard University and his BA from St. John’s College in Annapolis. Wiggins consults with schools, districts, and state education departments on a variety of reform matters; organizes conferences and workshops; and develops print materials and Web resources on […]

To Whom Am I Writing?

To Whom Am I Writing? Learning the Discipline of Understanding Audiences and Writing to Them If there is a lesson to be learned about Audience from the JWT ad and the other examples I have cited, it is this: You cannot succeed as a writer without empathy. Leaving aside a journal or diary, you are […]

How Much Writing Do Students Do?

In 2002, the College Board established a high-profile National Commission on Writing, which took as one of its premises that the quality of writing must be improved if students are to succeed in college and in life. In their major policy statement, The Neglected “R”: The Need for a Writing Revolution, the Commission emphasized Tag […]

How Well Do Students Write?

NAEP assesses students’ writing achievement with an extensive set of on-demand writing tasks developed through a consensus process involving teachers, administrators, and scholars from around the country. Assessments may include 20 to 25 different tasks at each grade level, designed to assess students’ abilities to write imaginatively, persuasively, and informatively, including the ability to analyze […]