More About the Author "floydlester20"

Author Nick: floydlester20
Name: Floyd Lester
About the Author: One of the best ways to attract your customers is by a good website. For good website design in Stamford, visit us by following the above link. We also provide services in other cities too. For web development in Connecticut, click the given link.

Articles by floydlester20 :

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Tips to decide on a domain name for your business website

The internet has changed a lot since the past few decades, and recently, the business world has started taking it quite seriously. Just a few years ago, accountants and managers would scoff at the idea of using a website to benefit the website, and today no business think that it is complete without having an […]

Webmaster tips in the era of crowd sourcing and bloggers

The concept of the Internet has undergone a sea change since it was unleashed to the world a couple of decades ago. With the Internet changing from a source of Internet to a complete juggernaut of entertainment, information and even business, the core concepts of the Internet, as well as web designing and maintaining a […]

Why you need SEO for your website

Search engines have really changed the way that people access information on the Internet. Before search engines, one could only access information online with the help of the site directories, some of which are still around, and by word of mouth. However, today, with search engine optimisation and social optimisation, it is becoming a lot […]

SEO Vs SMO: What is better?

Search engine optimization has brought about a revolutionary change in the way users access information over the Internet. With newer concepts like social networking websites and social media, another concept that is fast gaining precedence is social media optimization of websites. Social media optimization is the process of creating a presence for an entity, be […]

Important SEO Tips for the WordPress Blog

WordPress is nifty software that started out as blogging software, but has become a complete content management system, used by some of the most popular websites and blogs. As the usage of WordPress increased, the blog community wanted plugins that made their blogs SEO friendly. WordPress has become so popular and successful because people can […]