More About the Author "foxonline"

Author Nick: foxonline
Name: Fox Electronics
About the Author: Fox Electronics is a leading global supplier of standard and custom frequency stability products, including the industry's broadest line of XpressO oscillator, oscillators, VCXOs, XpressO crystal oscillator, piezoelectric effect and crystal filters.

Articles by foxonline :

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Know about functionality of capacitors Crystal Load Capacitance

If you know how batteries work, then you won’t have any difficulty understanding the functionality of capacitors. Capacitors and batteries both store electrical energy. Inside a battery, chemical reactions generate electrons on one terminal and absorb it on the other. So is the case with a capacitor, as it can’t produce new electrons; it can […]

Reliable Frequency Control Products

Frequency control products are very important in the devices commonly used in the communication industry. Well designed products help in aiding frequency control problems during the entire course of these products life cycle. When the architecture of these products is complied with the suitable application, they deliver the qualitative results. When we talk about frequency […]

Usability of piezoelectric effect

Some materials are capable of producing electricity when subjected to mechanical stress and this effect is known as piezoelectric effect. To produce this stress, it is not necessary to fracture the crystal lattice, hitting or twisting the material is just enough to deform the crystal lattice. However, this effect also works in the opposite direction […]