More About the Author "fvchamp"

Author Nick: fvchamp
Name: Fv Champ
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Effectively Police and Build Your Brand with a Chief Marketing Officer

A business can’t outpace its brand for long and hope to compete. Without an up-to-date brand, a company’s products and services lose their relevancy to its target audience. From startups that prioritize developing their brand only after they gain traction with customers, to multi-national corporations who are breaking into a new market, a lagging brand […]

How to Write a Descriptive Essay

A descriptive essay is one of several forms of writing you may be required to use in college, with the other forms being the argumentative, narrative and expository forms. When you write your essay you should create a written account of a particular experience or describe a person, emotion, and situation or place so vividly […]

The Differences Between an Analytical and an Argumentative Paper

When you are considering how to write a research paper, one of the things to ask yourself is what you are trying to achieve with it, which will govern whether you use the analytical or the argumentative style. The purpose of the analytical approach is to define, explain and interpret information such as an event, […]

Passive Voice or Active Voice? Are Both Acceptable in Your College Paper?

The answer to this question is, yes, but with the caveat; it depends upon when and how you use them. The passive voice is better for certain purposes and the active voice is better for others. Most college papers will require you to use the active voice. However, you will find exceptions to this rule […]

Top 10 Myths about Writing in College

As a college freshman, you’ll receive a jumble of advice that you’ll need to decipher fact from fable in order to navigate your way successfully through this foreign environment. Writing in college is part of that mythology. Here is a list of the 10 writing myths and the reality behind them. 1. More words are […]