More About the Author "GabrielAngelo"

Author Nick: GabrielAngelo

Articles by GabrielAngelo :

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The Forbidden Zone with Women

Know that feeling when you engaged yourself that you just didn’t how to explain it, but you were so extremely focused and effortlessly at eased without forcing yourself? That is what we called “being in state”. You are almost unconscious, like you no longer feel you are there in your immediate surrounding and only are […]

Shyness is Made-up Myth?

There is something that is supposedly affect a huge amount of people that is called “shyness”. In my opinion, shyness is only as real as your self-beliefs allow it to be. Shyness is just a limiting self-belief that was made up to justify your lack of social success, because you were not socially skilled, and […]

What is the Best Way to Talk with Women?

Here we have you talking to a woman, and you start to think “How am I coming across to this girl?” “How do I soud to her?” “Should I talk faster to get her excited, or should I talk slower to draw her in and mesmerize her?” Now this is where you put to use […]

Your Social Skills is much more Important than Pickup Skills!

I confess the reason for my greater struggle than most people when first learning how to improve my life with women and dating and hardly progressing was because I standing on empty air without the very foundation of social dynamics. None of the stuffs ever talk about the fundamental, the core of everything…your innate social […]

The Myth Demystified about Confidence

What is confidence…for you can’t see it? Confidence is definitely one of those things that has been around the longest in being the magical secret to attracting women. Now I am going to say something a little out there, confidence by itself is just not sufficient. “Acting confident” (“faking it til you make it” as […]