More About the Author "gaopengyulnfi"

Author Nick: gaopengyulnfi
Name: harry potter
About the Author: My favorite Multimedia and new things

Articles by gaopengyulnfi :

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How to convert SWF to AVI Mac with SWF to AVI Converter for Mac

The Small Web Format (SWF, pronounced “Swiff”) is an animation created using Adobe’s Flash software. SWF files can be generated from within several Adobe products: Flash, Flash Builder (an IDE) and After Effects, as well as through MXMLC, a command line application compiler which is part of the freely available Flex SDK. Other than Adobe […]

SWF to MP4 Converter Mac, convert SWF to MP4 for playing SWF

The MP4 file format defined some extensions over ISO Base Media File Format to support MPEG-4 visual/audio codecs and various MPEG-4 Systems features such as object descriptors and scene descriptions. Some of these extensions are also used by other formats based on ISO base media file format (e.g. 3GP). The wonderful format is very popular […]

Convert SWF to FLV on Mac with Mac SWF to FLV Converter Mac

Video-sharing websites or called video hosting websites like YouTube, Hulu, Google video, etc. Users can upload video clips, videos clips to an Internet website or view them on line.

Convert PDF to Flip Book, Make PDF Flip Book for Windows or Mac

Typically, a flipbook is held in one hand while the thumb of the other flicks the pages, and the user concentrates on the middle of each page. The flipbook relies on a basic optical principle known as persistence of vision to create an animated image. Now digital flip book is most popular files for reading […]

How to convert PDF to ePub eBooks for reading on iPad, iPod,etc

The EPUB format is an open eBook format recommended by The International Digital Publishing Forum. ePub eBooks are usable on many different eReaders including the Apple iPad, dedicated gadgets such as the Sony Reader and smart phones (iPhone and Android). Other eReaders include the ibis Online Reader, and Adobe Digital Editions. Visit the eBook Readers […]