More About the Author "gocomu"

Author Nick: gocomu
Name: Gerald Caine
About the Author:

The Geotab GO5 Compact is a revolutionary new car tracking GPS solution from Securatrak. With it's small, fit in your hand design the Compact plugs directly into your vehicle's OBD port providing true plug and play GPS tracking.

Articles by gocomu :

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Benefits Of Installing An Efficient Car Tracking System

Most people, especially men, dream of having their own vehicle. Some of them save a great amount from their salary just to come up with enough money to purchase a car. When the time comes that they already have the car of their own, they take extra precaution to avoid possible accidents that may damage […]

Positive Uses Of The Ultimate And Excellent Tracking Devices

GPS tracking devices are the most popular items in the market today that people use to track anything wherever it is in the world. These tracking devices come in different forms, sizes and purposes, yet they only have one common denominator, it will always help you track the exact location of that certain thing that […]

Revolutionary and Accurate Vehicle Tracking Device

A vehicle tracking device is a handy software that allows you to get a clear and precise location of a person you wish to track. A car tracking device uses the global positioning system or GPS to determine the exact location that you want to record at intervals. Basically, if you are running your own […]

Revolutionary and Accurate Vehicle Tracking Device

A vehicle tracking device is a handy software that allows you to get a clear and precise location of a person you wish to track. A car tracking device uses the global positioning system or GPS to determine the exact location that you want to record at intervals. Basically, if you are running your own […]

Revolutionary and Accurate Vehicle Tracking Device

A vehicle tracking device is a handy software that allows you to get a clear and precise location of a person you wish to track. A car tracking device uses the global positioning system or GPS to determine the exact location that you want to record at intervals. Basically, if you are running your own […]