More About the Author "graemeharris"

Author Nick: graemeharris
Name: graeme harris
About the Author: Im a long-term care insurance specialist and writer

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South Carolina’s Partnership Long Term Care Insurance

Will you risk losing your assets and savings to South Carolina’s lower long term care (LTC) costs or will you invest in a South Carolina partnership long term care insurance policy? Though the rates of assisted living facilities and nursing homes in South Carolina are increasing slower than the national average rates, you still have […]

Long Term Care Partnership Program in Texas

As the cost of care in the country increases, private insurance companies and various state agencies in Texas work hand in hand to alleviate the healthcare expenses of Texans.  The Texas long term care partnership program is, in fact, one of their collaborative efforts. Studies show majority of the elderly population in Texas prefer to […]

Gain More from Florida Long Term Care Partnership Program

Floridians are encouraged to come up with a healthcare plan in advance  because if they wait until they’re 10 years away from needing care before making a choice, they could wind up paying for their healthcare expenses out-of-pocket.  Those contemplating insurance might as well study the benefits that they can get from the Florida long […]

Why Secure Iowa Long Term Care Insurance?

Iowans understand that they have to plan their future healthcare but they are not sure how and where to start.  Overwhelmed by the array of options given them, many are not so sure if buying an Iowa long term care insurance policy is still the best thing to do. Indeed, there are many ways to […]

Ways to Save Some Dollars on Expensive California Long Term Care Costs

California is considered as one of the top four higher costs of LTC services in the country. As a matter of fact, the state’s Medicaid program known as Medi-cal spends nearly $30 billion in 2006, in which a large percentage goes to the needs of disabled and elderly people. There are over four million adults, […]