More About the Author "graemeharris"

Author Nick: graemeharris
Name: graeme harris
About the Author: Im a long-term care insurance specialist and writer

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CLASS Act and the Need of Each American for LTC Policy

Signed into law by President Barrack Obama on March 23, 2010, the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act, or CLASS Act, took effect on January 1, 2011, giving hope and light to those Americans who cannot afford the expensive monthly premiums from the private long term care insurance providers. Proposed by the late Senator […]

Long Term Care CLASS Act Gives Hope to the Majority of Americans

The government is aware that not all Americans can afford the expensive monthly rates of private long term care policies that are being offered to them. This is why the government decided to develop a provision that would give cheaper options to the public aiming that more people will be encouraged to purchase plans for […]

How to Get More Affordable Long Term Care Insurance Premiums

One of the reasons why some people find it hard to purchase long term care policies is because of the expensive long term care insurance premiums that come with it. Some of them would want to prioritize the things that they think are more valuable and needed immediately than this insurance plan that may only […]

Basic Long Term Care Insurance Information in Choosing LTC Plan

The number of people interested in getting LTC policies undeniably increased over the years. This good turnout may have been caused by the countless efforts and initiatives of the government and other private insurance companies to make the public aware of long term care insurance information that are helpful in their decision-making. To date, there […]

Long Term Care Costs By State that Affect the Rates of LTC Policies

It is nice to know that more and more people are now encouraged to purchase long term care policies for their needs in the coming years. The initiatives and other programs developed by the government with the help of some private insurance providers are now paying off and people are now aware, not only of […]