More About the Author "hcmonesoft"

Author Nick: hcmonesoft
Name: hcmonesoft hcmone
About the Author: HCM One is work force management software, which delivers Holistic HR Solutions functions of Free Human Capital Management Software for a small and medium business helping in higher productivity and better administration. For More Details:

Articles by hcmonesoft :

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The Bounty of Human Resource Software

Organisations have innumerable tasks on hand more so to do with Human Resources! In order to overcome this burden, as always, “technology” has recognized & devised software solutions to address Human Resource challenges.. Today, HR software solutions have an array of advantage locating employee information easily, accurately and immediately. A HR Manager is often subjected […]

Cloud full of Data – Human Capital Management Software

It has never been documented when the word ‘data’ was first used. But with the advent and continuous advancements in technology and IT ‘data’ remains the most used word. Data is no longer used second-handedly to information, it has in itself become paramount; and from “filing” data we have progressed on to “saving” data. Any […]

Time Tracking Software

Have you ever heard about “Time Theft”? In urban dictionary, taking longer breaks at work than your employer allows you to, is probably the one you will hear the term “time theft” referred to. Well, here is a bit of news, according to surveys by global financial recruiter Robert Half International, the average employee steals […]

Technology buzz..- Hcm Software

What has been the impact of technology in today’s business world? Technology has proven to be the best fit for any rather every business to achieve better profits and conserve various resources.  Software applications are flooding into every market to prove their worth and help various businesses succeed sooner. Now what exactly is their success […]