More About the Author "hieuhieu"

Author Nick: hieuhieu
Name: hieu neighan
About the Author: love to write on different topics

Articles by hieuhieu :

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Coping with Growing Pains

Growing pains are a well-known childhood phenomenon. Many children between the ages of four and twelve end up at their pediatricians’ offices, with pain in the bones of their legs. Often times, no actual medical cause is found, so the condition is dismissed as “growing pains,” and they’re sent on their way. Old wives’ tales […]

The Drawbacks of Getting a Family Member to Baby-sit

Parents on a budget often consider themselves lucky to have a family member, be it an aunt, uncle, or grandparent, who is willing to provide some form of childcare for them. However, while this might be convenient in a lot of ways, getting a family member to provide babysitting has a number of drawbacks, as […]

The Myth Behind the Sugar Rush

Ask almost anyone about giving their kids candy, an you’ll hear horror stories of kids becoming hyperactive and bounding of the walls with a sugar rush. Granted, kids really shouldn’t be eating a lot of candy, but sugar rushes and hyperactivity aren’t why. In fact, the idea of sugar causing kids to become hyper isn’t […]