More About the Author "hieupham"

Author Nick: Julia733
Name: Julia Dave
About the Author: Playing dress up games to create your own style and test your knowledge about fashion.

Articles by hieupham :

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Growing Up Games for Kids

If you would like to teach your kids a thing or two about life, you can use fun games  that your children play everyday to teach them about things such as finances, marriage, raising a family and time management. Some games that you can use to teach your child about growing up include video games, […]

Dress Up Emo Games

The emo fashion trend, which typically features vintage clothing and tight jeans, often in black with splashes of colors such as pink, has become popular with many teenagers in the United States and United Kingdom. Software developers have incorporated this trend into dress up games, a genre of web browser game in which players choose […]

Girls’ Princess Dress-Up Games

Becoming a princess is just one of the many fantasies that occupy most little girls’ imaginations. Putting on a frilly dress, costume jewelry and a sparkly tiara can make a little girl feel like royalty. Online dress up games also spark a girl’s imagination by letting her outfit a virtual doll in an endless combination […]

Free Dress Up Flash Games for Girls

One of the best parts about dressing up is the large variety of clothes to choose from, but it can cost a lot of money to build a big wardrobe. Instead, younger girls can change avatars in and out of outfits in seconds with online dress up games. The games features hundreds of outfits, multiple […]

Dressup Kid Games

Dress up games are one of the favorite pastimes enjoyed by younger children. They love to wear costumes and pretend they are someone else. Often they will dress up as characters in their favorite fairy tales, TV shows or storybooks. In the early 21st century, many small girls began playing online virtual dress up games. […]