More About the Author "hiphopvoices"

Author Nick: hiphopvoices
Name: james griffith
About the Author: James Griffith is considered one of the leading authors of music content online. Based in London he offers an insightful yet entertaining style of journalism which is easy to read yet informative and enlightening. His expertise in writing R&B and Hip hop news articles is also hugely respected within the industry and with several thousand articles already under his belt he continues to write music news articles with passion and style and with an intrinsic eye for detail.

Articles by hiphopvoices :

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Give a Treat to your Ears, Eyes with the Latest Hip Hop Music Videos Online

It’s true to say that Hip hop music is now a global obsession. Through rap superstars such as Eminem, Lil Wayne & Kanye West Hip hop music has now become the dominant force in the music industry today generating billions of dollars in revenue for record companies around the globe. The popularity of rap music […]