More About the Author "Edward Peterson"

Author Nick: Edward Peterson
Name: Edward Peterson
About the Author: I am Edward Peterson, a building Inspector and it is my responsibility to make sure that all parts of my inspected building are properly checked, documented and reported to the the property owner or to the future buyer.

Articles by Edward Peterson :

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Buying a Home for the First Time? Be Sure the Property is Worth the While

Buying a home is one of the biggest investments you can make in your lifetime. You might probably have a specific design in mind and will immediately sign the contract as soon as you have the chance to do so. As a result, many home buyers regretted their impulsive actions due to the damages they […]

Building Inspections Are Important Services

A house is not a home if it is a decrepit, broken, mess. Seriously, if the house has problems then it needs to get fixed, but that mess is for the homeowner to work out. If you are not a homeowner, but will be, then you need to know that some houses are in dire […]

Secure or Increase The Price of Your Property

Are you selling a property and want to make sure that you get the best value for it? Then have it inspected by reliable home inspectors to ensure that your property does not have faults that may hurt its value. The last thing you would want is to end up with half the price you […]

Make Informed Decisions When Buying A House

Purchasing a new home is one of the most important and meaningful decisions a person can make. It is both an exciting and terrifying process. It requires thinking not just emotion, because while any house you may be interested in may look perfect on the outside, structurally, it may not be so. You have to […]

The Benefits of Acquiring Home Inspection For Home Buyers

There are various reasons for you to have home inspection. If you are the current home owner who would like to sell your house, home pre-selling inspection is needed as an assessment for you to have a reasonable selling price. The buyer would definitely want to know if the property they would want to purchase […]