More About the Author "hongxinglucia"

Author Nick: hongxinglucia
Name: yulucia you
About the Author: I am new here.

Articles by hongxinglucia :

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Hongxing provides crusher for green construction

Green construction is new or retrofitted construction that consciously focuses on reducing environmental damage and pollution. In the wake of education regarding global warming, resource depletion, and pollution levels worldwide, green construction has developed as a means of improving building practices so that they do not harm the environment. There are many different components that […]

My understanding about concrete and cement

The primary difference between concrete and cement is that concrete is a composite material made of water, aggregate, and cement. Cement is a very fine powder made of limestone and other minerals, which absorbs water and acts as a binder to hold the concrete together. While cement is a construction material in its own right, […]

Raymond Mill Applied in Asphalt Concrete

Asphalt concrete is made by artificial matching and consisted of some graded mineral aggregate and a certain proportion road bituminous material. It is a mixture formed under strictly controlled conditions. The raw materials are crushed stone, crushed gravel, stone chips or sand and others. Asphalt concrete can be divided into two kinds: petroleum asphalt and […]

Comparison of Main Kinds of Coal Flotation Machine

Mechanical mixing flotation machines, jet flotation machine, and the flotation column are domestic coal preparation plants and are widely used in flotation devices. They have their own characteristics and are applied in separation of different coal fine particles. Of which, jet flotation machine has the following features: 1. Large capacity 2. Simple structure and easy […]

Hongxing Enjoys its Freedom in Ecommerce World

Because of the fast development in the world, ecommerce becomes gradually the hottest topic in Hongxing. Hongxing Machinery Company is outstanding in the mining machinery industry, is necessary for Hongxing to do ecommerce? Of course, Hongxing must do ecommerce and do best in this industry. After series of research and preparation, Hongxing decides to bring […]