More About the Author "hotelogix"

Author Nick: hotelogix
Name: hotelogix hotel management system
About the Author: Hotelogix offers multiple Rates & Packages with meals/transfers and other services on the Web.

Articles by hotelogix :

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Is A Hotel Property Management System Right for Any Hotel?

With tempers rising high, work pressure always on an increase and guests always having something to complain about, the hospitality industry calls for grueling work hours and tight schedule. In all this what happens is that hotels hardly find time to breath or organize their work. Property management system with its varied sections and features […]

Importance of Training and Support Services in a Property Management System

Many hoteliers worry about after sales service when they consider buying a property management system. The first step for an hotelier to get a new technology is always the decision to adapt to a change, a change that can help improve the hotel in many ways. Once the decision is taken, it is very important […]

Top 5 Hotel Reservation Systems

One undeniably important aspect of a successful hotel is its booking system. The fact that a hotel is as good as not being there without guests is like stating the obvious. The entire purpose of a hotel and in fact the hospitality business gets defeated if guests don’t come in. It is because of this […]

Top 5 Hospitality Management Software

The hospitality business is a fiercely competitive zone wherein almost every day someone is trying to outdo the other to reach to the number one position. The competition gets serious especially with in the entry of hospitality management software. These have benefitted the hotels in a huge way such that today it is almost unthinkable […]

Top 5 Hotel management software

With increasing competition every day in the hospitality business, more and more hotel management software are entering the market.  Each of these property management systems have been built in such a manner that they have an edge over the rest. If some have a great front desk management system, another is known for its billing […]