More About the Author "iChap"

Author Nick: iChap
Name: Ian Chappell
About the Author: Online businessman interested in technology, social media and sport.

Articles by iChap :

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Public computers and Wi-Fi: Convenient…Yes! Secure…No!

How many times have you sat in a cafe on your own either waiting for someone, waiting till your next meeting or just having a much needed break…there’s nothing in the paper and you don’t want to look lonely so what do you do…you hop on the public Wi-Fi! Similarly if you have time in […]

Bonded Asbestos Risk Revision

Under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006, asbestos surveys are required to be carried out in advance of renovations or demolition of premises, specially when a building is known to have been built or previously renovated  up until at least the mid 1980s. Despite the development of legislation and promotion of asbestos awareness, chrysotile white […]

Difficulties Concerning Differences Between Mesothelioma And Lung Cancer.

The Health & Safety Executive figures for the current annual, total number of asbestos-related cancer deaths in the UK is a conservative 4,000. Even though there were 2249 known deaths  from mesothelioma which, when added to all asbestos-related lung cancers, brings the total to 4498. An asbestos awareness issue can arise due to the unfortunate […]

Noise Induced Hearing Loss : Regulation, Prevention And Claims Continue.

The introduction of the updated Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2006, provides extended rules on protecting employees against noise induced hearing loss, extended to all types of workplaces such as in the music and entertainment industry, as well as traditional manufacturing, engineering and production factories. In addition, a new level of identifiable excessive noise […]

A laptop is stolen every 53 seconds – Prevent Burglary: Think like a thief.

House burglaries go up by a third after clocks go back according to the Metropolitan Police. With the longer night’s drawing in and with the lead up to Christmas you can be sure that burglars will be taking full advantage and be on the prowl. Yet, by taking a few simple security measures you can […]