More About the Author "indiaabun11"

Author Nick: indiaabun11
Name: Nitish Madan
About the Author: Writer of the Article

Articles by indiaabun11 :

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Hold on a Second What… About My Health?

In today’s bustling world of high speed rail, light-speed communication and round the clock world-wide trading there is little time for dabbling with anything ineffective. When our world is progressing at an exponential rate it is no wonder that we don’t want to waste time with something that hasn’t been proven, and less surprising that […]

Ayurvedic Medicine Employs a Vast array of Treatments

The human body is a diverse combination of tissues intricately woven together in a delicate balance that must be respected and honored if it is to be healthy. Ayurveda is a science of life which treats the person as a whole, and as such, it treats all the diverse tissues of the body in a […]

Ayurvedic Treatment towards Providing Healthy Life

Ayurveda is the science of life, and if life is to be healthy, fulfilling, and complete no part of it can be neglected. This is the central principal of ayurvedic treatment, that the patient be treated as a whole human being. The three most basic parts of a human being are their body, mind, and […]

The Secret Healing Properties of Ayurvedic Herbs in Ayurvedic Medicine

The use of herbs for medicinal purposes likely dates to the beginning of human civilization, but certainly back nearly 5000 years with the oldest extant records of such use dating to the middle of the 3rd millennium BCE. For millions of year’s plants, herbs in particular, have been developing methods for the manufacture of substances […]

Restore Your Life with Ayurvedic Oils and Extracts

Ayurvedic medicine treats the whole person, and consequently employs a variety of curative and palliative treatments. Perhaps the most enjoyable of the ayurvedic treatments are the Oil massage and relaxation treatments for which Ayurveda has become famous worldwide. Ayurvedic massage treatment, or snehana, is one of the five methods included within the panchakarma methodology. Ayurvedic […]