More About the Author "infasurf"

Author Nick: infasurf
Name: Sarra Marie
About the Author: Infasurf is a pure lung surfactant that helps in improving the breathing process of the new-born patient suffering from RDS.

Articles by infasurf :

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Treatment of Respiratory Distress Disorder

For newborns diagnosed with respiratory distress disorder, artificial surfactant therapy is an important and viable treatment option. Respiratory distress disorder is mainly caused by insufficient levels of surfactant in the lungs. Surfactant is an oily substance made of phospholipids and proteins; it lines the insides of the lungs and facilitates proper breathing by preventing the […]

Pulmonary Surfactants Deficiency in Newborns

Newborns with a deficiency of pulmonary surfactants may experience a condition known as respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). Also known as hyaline membrane disease, neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, or infant respiratory distress syndrome, this condition is fairly common in premature newborns whose lungs have not fully developed. In fully developed, normally functioning lungs, pulmonary surfactants are […]

Surfactant Deficiency in Newborns

Surfactant deficiency in premature infants is a serious, possibly life-threatening condition that results in respiratory distress and pulmonary failure if left untreated. Pulmonary surfactant is a naturally occurring slippery substance made of phospholipids and proteins; it lines the alveoli, or air sacs, in the lungs and reduces surface tension. This serves to help the lungs […]

Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Infants

Neonatal respiratory distress occurs in premature infants who have not yet produced adequate amounts of surfactant. The condition causes difficultly breathing in newborns. Surfactant is a substance that coats the lungs and alveoli, and facilitates the exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide. Without enough surfactant, the lungs collapse and the infant has to work very […]

Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Infant respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)- sometimes called hyaline membrane disease- commonly occurs in premature infants. RDS causes difficulty breathing and can potentially cause pulmonary failure. The severity of infant respiratory distress syndrome depends on how early the infant was born; its size; whether an infection is present; and if the infant has any sort of […]