More About the Author "intensafire"

Author Nick: intensafire
Name: Intensa Fire
About the Author: The IntensaFIRE for Xbox 360 is one of the easiest controller mod kits to install, and it is suitable for all original wireless modded xbox controllers. It increases the firing speed of your xbox 360 game controller, which will make playing many games even more fun.

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Xbox controller mods for better games

Have you ever wondered what kind of a gamer you are? Well if you haven’t then you might need to take some time and think about it. Most people are just into gaming for the fun of having the latest games and bragging about it. Well, let them brag about their exploits. If you really […]

The XBOX 360 game Controller for Windows review

Have you ever thought about the gaming experience? Have you ever put yourself in the world of a gaming connoisseur? What you don’t know is that you can be a connoisseur yourself within hours from reading this article. Why am I saying this because Microsoft just made gaming easier and accessible for everybody, worldwide? You […]

Better gaming experience with Modded Xbox controllers

So many gamers out there might be wondering what the reason is behind the rage that is the Modded Xbox controllers. For a reasonable time period, gamers have had to undergo excruciating pains both physically and psychologically while playing their favorite games. There are so many gamers who have recently reported pain in the hand […]