More About the Author "jacklavis"

Author Nick: jacklavis
Name: Jack Lavis
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Articles by jacklavis :

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Effective security solutions with biometric technology

Security everywhere is very vital issue today. We’re all on alert or in fear after the attack in Mumbai and the biggest attack in the United States. Public sector such as banks, hotels, hospitals and shopping malls are the most likely targets to be attacked. Nobody wants to be a victim of this type of […]

High End Security Solutions – Biometric Access Control

With rapid advancement of technology, the issue of technical security is becoming more and more complex day by day. Access control and biometric access control are the latest high-end security solutions that can assist you in securing your Technical Assets. Biometric access control is an ultimate solution of security. High-end facial recognition software is an […]

Advantages of Time attendance systems based on biometric aspects

In earlier days, one person sit at the gate and make entry for each and every person and note down the information like name, incoming and outgoing time, and many more information. The creative minded people thought that is it enough for foolproof security? The answer is simple and straight forward, No. Demand is the […]

Application of visitor management system

Visitor management systems today’s best preference to track the visitors.  It is very useful system to track the public building or public sites. Basically, visitor management system gathers information of visitors. Which information it collects? How it will work? All the answers you will find here in this article. Visitor management systems can work in […]

How biometric aspects work to provide access control?

In earlier days, password system invented first for security. As time progress, hackers found the ways to break the password security systems. After that identity cards invented. Still, in some companies this system is working. It is good and fast and has some other advantages as well. However, the issue arrives at more confidential places […]