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Articles by jackleen :

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Online Mobile Shopping is Safe

With the recent development in online shopping in India, customers often wonder the safety and authenticity of the products that are shopped online. The question that comes to mind to almost every average buyer is that are high end and expensive products such as electronic goods authentic online. The best assurance that we can give […]

Enthralling Performances with Supply Chain Management Solutions

An agile temperament is necessary in the business environment to capture vital information regarding any changes and implement prompt actions. The business value network management has to be efficiently handled to ensure benefit maximization. A manual management process will not be able to render the desired results that an automated process can deliver. The automated […]

Customer Research: Reaching Out to Meet Customer Demands

Technological innovations have given birth to Internet led business expansion an e-commerce. Such innovations and opportunities have facilitated the growth of a number of web stores and on line shopping portals. However, just like the brick and mortar stores, it takes some effort and marketing strategies to draw customers and visitors to the web stores. […]

After Sales Service: Touching the Nerve Center of Global Business

Even though the business environment the world over is attracted by the profit benefits of globalization, the actual profits come in only when these enterprises have a happy customer at hand. Like the old proverb- ‘A bird in hand is worth many in a bush’ organizations irrespective of size of business dealings need to pay […]

What you must know about the Amendments of VAT Application Rules in Bulgaria

Bulgaria has emerged as one of the most exciting investment locations in Europe today. The country has an appropriate business environment for the development of entrepreneurship. Financial benefits are a significant aspect in determining the country where a company can be set up. Businesses are almost always set up with the intention of making profits, […]