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Managing Content outside the Website for B2B Marketing

While the corporate website is the face of a B2B company, it is no longer enough to have all the content investments focused on the website alone.  Although the primary goal of a B2B marketer is to attract a prospects to website the best approach to do that is through a well thought of content […]

Managing Content within the Website for B2B Marketing

Content within the website covers all content marketing elements including the content on the individual tabs and pages of a website and the SEO landing pages as well. It also includes images, audio, video, blogs, whitepapers, case studies, demos, datasheets and other marketing automation collateral that make up a website. While creating website content the […]

Cloud Process: Birth Of A Digitally Managed Enterprise

Today’s global organizations are dependent on technology to withstand the aggressively competitive world. The technological innovation and advent of cloud computing have facilitated these organizations to handle their business process with much ease through a digital method. With the business tied through a global network of partnerships and branch locations, it is all the more […]

Software Products Entitled for VAT Refunds in China

China’s Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) issued a circular detailing Value Added Tax (VAT) incentives for software products and clarified certain implementation issues. Circular 100 which was released on October 13, 2011, will be effective from January 1, 2011 retrospectively. As per an earlier notice issued by the government, […]

How to Leverage After Sales Service?

Known by different names such as After Sales, Reverse Logistics, Returns/Service Management, After Sales Service, and Customer Care, the process of managing products after they have been sold has never received the attention or importance than it truly deserves. Even though after sales is a complex process involving numerous parties in different locations, a very […]