More About the Author "Stephen Gransville"

Author Nick: Stephen Gransville
Name: Stephen Gransville
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About the Author: Stephen Gransville

Articles by Stephen Gransville :

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Got a convertible? Get to California

There are, of course, a lot of drawbacks to owning a convertible sport car in the UK today. Ever increasing congestion, unreadable weather patterns and the sheer practicality of most make the soft-top option a difficult one to justify a lot of the time. But if you strip away all the day-to-day nonsense you have […]

Jaguar XK – the GT with the soul of a true sports car

Jaguar is a company that requires little introduction. As the maker of some of the most iconic, not to mention beautiful, cars of the last 70 years, the British firm is held in truly high regard with people who appreciate automotive tradition and beauty. Of course, when talking about Jaguar it’s almost impossible not to […]

Got some money to spend? Luxury and performance is here

If you’re one of the lucky ones who has some money to spend on a car in the current economic climate, you should be thinking how to get the most out of your money. Do you opt for all-out performance or a cabin that would make the Queen jealous? Fortunately you don’t have to compromise […]

Jaguar XJ – luxury redefined

Luxury cars are supposed to make you feel like you own a county, like it doesn’t matter that buying it has actually been a bit of a stretch and your wife will kill you – it’s supposed to make you feel special. There are a lot of luxo-barges out there that do the job; the […]

Open top Jag XKR – become a convert

The thought of buying a convertible sport car is something that is always met with a certain amount of trepidation thanks to the basic workings of the human mind; i.e. am I going to get wet when it rains and the old “will people automatically hate me because I drive this car” thing. Probably, but […]