More About the Author "JamesBecksdale"

Author Nick: JamesBecksdale

Articles by JamesBecksdale :

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Step by Step Guide to Probate

When someone dies leaving assets over a certain amount, the personal representative of the deceased will need to apply to the court for a Grant of Probate in order to deal with the financial affairs and property and to distribute legacies to the beneficiaries of the estate. Where the deceased died without a Will, the […]

The importance of updating your will regularly

Everyone should have a will in place. It is important for many reasons, not least so that you can control who inherits your estate when you die. But having made a will, you should keep it under regular review to ensure it reflects the changes in your life. Keeping your will up to date is […]

Snow clearing products can make your life easier

If the area that you live in is prone to suffering a large snowfall every year, it makes sense to invest in snow clearing products. These products can help make your life easier when the snow falls and should make the process of carrying on as normal a much simpler process. The use of snow […]

Health and safety signs can make life safer in the office

Health and safety legislation affects every company and there can be serious consequences for an organisation that fails to meet these regulations. Some people will complain that there are too many regulations enforcing health and safety in the workplace these days but given the importance of staying safe, this should not be considered a bad […]

Household Appliance Maintenance Can Be a Daily Thing

Because you use your appliances every day, sometimes multiple times a day, you may need to schedule in household appliance maintenance more often than you think. This is not usually an annual thing – although there are certain things that can be taken care of once a year. Most of the maintenance done with your […]