More About the Author "jasonw93"

Author Nick: jasonw93
Name: Jason White
About the Author: My self Jason White, A professional Writer

Articles by jasonw93 :

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Ensure Society’s Health as a Food and Nutrition Manager

In many areas of society, food and nutrition experts are required to ensure that the dietetic aspects of people’s health are looked after. These experts are part of the field known as Food and Nutrition Management, and their titles include dietary managers, nutrition technicians, food and nutrition managers, food service coordinators and quality control technicians. […]

Get Into a Creative Mind Set That Leads to Success with Art and Design Studies

Just like any other career, success in the field of visual arts comes with the appropriate training and a solid foundation. It is not enough to simply be talented or have artistic vision, you must learn the theory behind what makes the colours look great together or ways to increase depth and make your images […]

Centennial College Combines Media Design with Engineering

If you’re a person who often thinks of the future and images a place that’s exciting and innovative, you don’t have to wait for the present to catch up. In the field of Media Engineering Design Integration (MEDI), robotics technology, the power of mobile Internet and 3D cinematic storytelling are combined with the next generation […]

Take Graphic Design Courses to Utilize Your Creative Skills

The graphic design industry is employed in virtually all areas of business — from your bank’s logo and the eye-catching billboard for your favourite clothing store to the cover of the latest issue of Vogue magazine and the design of the CD cover you saw on iTunes last week. Used to convey a message to […]

Attend a Game Design Program and Create The Virtual Worlds of Tomorrow

With video games sales in the billions every year and new gaming consoles becoming more and more technologically advanced, the gaming business is continuing to increase. With that increase comes a demand for professionals who have attended a game design program and can create the real life concepts, environments and characters that gamers are seeking. […]