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Author Nick: jbrackin

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Workplace tension: Help or hinderance?

Doctors in the UK are reporting a dramatic rise in worry and depression, which means a record number of the workforce being signed off sick, some for up to weeks on end. And the UK is one example of a trend that is repeated across Europe and the developed world. Victoria Fletcher, Health Editor of […]

Three ways to reduce membership attrition rates

The 2008 PFRA Attrition Survey was the first survey of not-for-profit organisations engaged in recruiting supporters and members via street, venue, door-to-door or face-to-face fundraising. The analysis was based on the giving patterns of over 377,000 regular members and shows trends that will impact on subsequent levels of donor loyalty. The survey results could be […]

What you can discover from Marketing research

Have a blueprint of your customer All marketing professional know that ‘if you don’t appreciate your audience, you don’t comprehend your business’ in today’s competitive marketplace this is not enough. To be successful we will need to appreciate their desires, attitudes and habits otherwise it is almost impossible to predict their behaviour. And if increasing […]

Subliminal tricks in Marketing

The earliest recorded subliminal investigation was conducted by James Vicary in 1957. He suggested that an experiment in which moviegoers enjoying a movie called Picnic were repeatedly shown 0.03-second subliminal cuts for Coca-Cola and Popcorn, enlarged onsite sales by 58% and 18%. Since the revelation of his investigation the effect of subliminal messages in marketing […]

Consider incentives to boost response rates

If you really want to boost your sales and increase return on advertising investment why not use an incentive?. Despite the extra cost and fulfilment involved they almost always pay for themselves . Why do incentives pay? You get more response as typically you engage the same response rates – plus loads more, expect to […]