More About the Author "jbrackin"

Author Nick: jbrackin

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Can we rely on focus groups for research?

Originally used over 65 years ago by US government sociologists investigating the impact of military propaganda movies the focus group has been the backbone of the market research industry. By the middle of the twentieth century, advertising agencies were jumping on the bandwagon hiring researchers to find out why certain kinds of products and services […]

Boost your marketing response rates with research

Imagine it were possible to precisely judge the effectiveness of an advertising campaign, would that give you an edge? When I was a director of advertising, seeing an agency’s creative proposals for the first time was one of the best parts of the marketing process – closely followed by one of the worst – assessing […]

Hypnotic language in Advertising

The first recorded subliminal trial was conducted by James Vicary in 1957. He suggested that an experiment in which moviegoers watching a film called Picnic were repeatedly exposed to 0.03-second advertisements for Coca-Cola and Popcorn, raised onsite sales by 58% and 18%. Since the revelation of his test the effect of subliminal messages in marketing […]