More About the Author "Jenna-Madeline"

Author Nick: Jenna-Madeline
Name: Jenna Madeline
About the Author: NEXGENAM Technology is a web based CMMS and AM software designed on ASP.NET for SQL platforms.

Articles by Jenna-Madeline :

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Bring Home the Transformation – CMMS

With a software such as this one, it is often more important to weigh the advantages with the expense it is going to take to purchase and implement in the ideal software. If you are one of those companies that constantly scrutinize where to cut down on cost, where to trim down expenses, and where […]

If Your Old Assets Are Draining Away Cash – Try Computerized Asset Management Software

If you are one of the many companies where you can see cash drain from your old assets, then it is time to see where you are going wrong. Your assets could need replacement, you might need to take better care of them, you might have to repair them asp, or you simply might need […]

Make the Shift with a Computerized Asset Management Software

Every company, small, medium or big sized knows that advantage that such a software can give them. It is the making the shift that concerns many of these business concerns, as they are riddled with questions, such as will it be more efficient? Can I increase my savings? Is it worth my investment? Can I […]

CMMS – Ensuring Your Equipment’s Health Is Your Wealth

CMMS stands for Computerized Maintenance Management System that is going to give your equipment a good life through and through.  Once you start your calculations, you will realize that over a year you are saving much more than you used to in the previous years. When it comes to your maintenance budgets you will find […]